Sunday 9 July 2017

3.1: Know that Chemical Reacts in Which Heat Energy is Given Out are Described as Exothermic, and those in Which Heat Energy is Taken In are Described as Endothermic

Diagram showing Enthalpy Change during an Exothermic Reaction
Diagram showing Enthalpy Change during an Endothermic Reaction

Reaction in which energy is given out to surrounding, decreasing energy level (temperature increases)

Reaction in which energy is taken in from surrounding, increasing energy level (temperature decreases)

  • Burning
  • Neutralisation
  • Reaction between Water and Calcium Oxide

  • Electrolysis
  • Thermal decomposition of Copper (II) Carbonate
  • Reaction between Acetic Acid and Sodium Carbonate

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1.2: Understand the Interconversions between the Three States of Matter in Terms of: The Names of the Interconversions, How they are Achieved, the Changes in Arrangement, Movement and Energy of the Particles

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