Sunday 9 July 2017

2.33C: Describe How to Carry Out an Acid - Alkali Titration

TITRATION: Method to determine the volume of one solution that is required to react with a given volume of another solution - used to determine concentration of Acid or Alkali
Diagram showing the Setup of a Titration

  • Use pipette to measure Alkali solution into conical flask
  • Add drops of indicator (Phenolphthalein or Methyl Orange)
  • Add Acid into burette and note the starting volume
  • Add Acid in burette into Alkali in flask until indicator changes to appropriate colour
  • Note the final volume of Acid in burette


  • As universal indicator has no end-point (colour will constantly change depending on pH), universal indicator is not used for titration
  • Instead, Phenolphthalein or Methyl Orange is used as there is a end-point, allowing colour change to be observed more easily


Volume of Acid Added   =   Starting Volume of Acid   -   Final Volume of Acid

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