Sunday 9 July 2017

4.6: Understand How to Classify Reactions of Organic Compounds as Substitution, Addition and Combustion

SUBSTITUTION REACTION: Reaction where one atom is swapped with another atom
Example: Methane reacts with Bromine under Ultraviolet Light

       Methane   +   Bromine   →   Bromomethane   +   Hydrogen Bromide

            CH4                 Br2                      CH3Br                            HBr  


ADDITION REACTION: Reaction in which one molecule combines with another to form a single larger molecule
Example: Bromine will react with Ethene by Bromine molecule adding across the double bond of Ethene

       Ethene   +   Bromine   →   Dibromoethane

          C2H4                 Br2                      C2H4Br2                             


COMBUSTION REACTION: Chemical reaction involving burning
Example: Alkenes burn when heated in Air of Oxygen
If there is an unlimited supply of Oxygen, combustion reaction (complete combustion) will produce Carbon Dioxide and Water:
       CH4   +   2O2   →   CO2   +   2H2O

       C3H8   +   5O2   →   3CO2   +   4H2O                          

If there is a limited supply of Oxygen, combustion reaction (incomplete combustion) will produce Carbon Monoxide and Water:
       CH4   +   ½ O2   →   CO   +   2H2O                       

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